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Tuck In Your Shirt

Leadership Development, book, leadership, joshua medcalf, leader, book review

Posted by  smartmovesinc


If we aren't careful, it is easy to model the very behaviors we are frustrated about in those we lead. They are always learning, but we aren't always aware of what we are teaching them.

Joshua Medcalf advises leading brands and top people in sports and coaching on the key shifts and the future of leadership, innovation, management, mindset and grit.

His newest book "Hustle: The People At the Top Didn't Fall There" he shares his unbelievable but true stories of going from growing up dirt poor, to playing soccer at Vanderbilt and Duke, to living in a homeless shelter, to the closet of a gym, and eventually creating a million dollar brand.

Some things you will learn: how to dominate your industry even without the traditional 'credentials;' why you should stop networking and start building; greatness always looks easy to those who aren't around when all the training happens; why you should stop thinking outside the box and start acting; the myths that stop most people from living their dreams; the old rules no longer apply (and how to play by the rules in the new economy); the simple way to leverage social media very few people know about; how to leverage an entrepreneurial mindset even while working a corporate job; how your biggest weaknesses can become your secret weapons.


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