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Hitting the Mark with High Potentials

Employee Retention, Employment Tests, Performance Based Interviewing

Posted by  smartmovesinc

hitting the markPosted by Aoife Gorey 
What does a high-potential employee look like to you? Is it the person that works double-hours every week, and even weekends? The person that goes “above and beyond” to help their colleagues, or the person that exceeds their professional goals?

According to Bersin, “a “high-potential employee” is an employee who has been identified as having the potential, ability, and aspiration for successive leadership positions within a company. Often, these employees are provided with focused development as part of a succession plan and are referred to as “HiPos.”

Harvard Business Review describes high potentials as “employees who deliver strong results, master new types of expertise, and recognize that behavior counts.”

It’s critical for businesses to understand the distinction between high potential and high performance; confusing the two can be costly. You may have an abundance of high-potential employees working for you. Make sure that you learn how to identify them, and actualize their potential to create a high-performance workforce.

This is such a hot topic in the HR and talent management industry at the moment that it made it easy for us to select it as our focus for this month in our latest eBook. We are proud to announce the launch of“Hitting the Mark with High Potentials.”


  • What is Potential?
  • The Difference Between High Potential and High Performance
  • The Upside and Downside to Acknowledging High Potentials
  • High-Potential Development Equals a High-Performance Workplace
  • The 3 Best Ways to Identify High Potentials

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