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Creating a Company Vision Your Team Buys Into [Part 2 of 3]

leadership, motivation, sales team success, business growth, vision, a company vision, Patrick Kagan

Posted by  Barbara Spector

Hiring Tips blog 2024-02 (2)

Struggling to get your team aligned with the company's goals?

Aligning your team with company goals is essential for achieving sustainable growth and success. However, this alignment often proves elusive, with various factors contributing to the disconnect between sales objectives and organizational aims. 

I sat down with Patrick Kagan, Kevin Kepple, Julie Lokun and Clay Stelzer on the Sales Hindsight' podcast to discuss:

  • How to create a compelling company vision 
  • The dos and don’ts of running a laser-focused, motivated team.
  • What leaders can do to build trust in their team
  • Making inclusive decisions
  • The power of leveraging individual strengths


Key Moments: 

00:00:08 Achieving goal clarity for better outcomes

00:02:38 How the vision of a company plays a key role in the company’s success

00:12:17 How to embrace a visionary mindset for success

00:16:19 Overcoming common vision creation struggles

00:18:59 Involving the team in vision creation for buy-in

00:20:39 Effective leadership for team empowerment

00:21:18 Building trust and inspiring team action

00:24:44 Leveraging team strengths for the collective vision

00:29:00 Visualizing outcomes for a unified approach

00:30:37 Articulating and realizing a relatable vision

00:33:44 Regular vision reviews for organizational tracking

00:34:38 Leader's clarity impact on team's emotional state

00:37:11 Leadership balance: inviting input while holding vision

00:38:23 Clear, resolute vision for commanding respect

Listen Here:


Understanding Vision: It’s More Than Just a Goal

Most leaders mistake vision as for a mere goal or an end point when it's so much more than that. I define vision as the path to achieving our desired outcomes. It's about seeing the bigger picture and understanding the steps needed to get there. 
Take mountain climbing for example, you need to be flexible and adaptable to reach the peak. The same is true for vision. You need to treat it as a guiding north star for the entire company. It's not just about where you're going, but also about inspiring and motivating yourself and others along the journey. 

Why We Struggle Creating and Communicating Vision

Creating a vision can be challenging. Why? It all comes down to a lack of clarity, preoccupation with present challenges, and a homogenous perspective. You must have diverse inputs and a clear understanding of the long-term objectives to craft a compelling vision.

Transferring Vision: Building Leaders, Not Followers

One of the most critical aspects of vision is the ability to transfer it to others. A shared vision within a team is essential, and it's important to align the team's values and principles with the overarching vision. As a leader you cannot ignore the significance of building trust, inspiring action, and involving team members in the vision's creation.
Leadership plays a pivotal role in this process. Effective leaders build other leaders rather than followers. They exhibit vulnerability, trust, and commitment, creating a cohesive team aligned with the vision. Listening to others and emotionally involving them is also key.

Leveraging Strengths and Visualization

Understanding and leveraging the strengths of your team, especially in challenging situations, is vital. 
Visualization is another powerful tool. Articulating the vision clearly and consistently within the organization makes it contagious. Regular reviews, from quarterly to monthly, help maintain alignment and motivation.

Revisiting and Communicating Vision

You must be clear when communicating vision. As a leader, your clarity and resoluteness will have a direct impact on your team's emotional well-being and trust. Where I see most leaders go wrong is they cannot navigate the delicate balance of incorporating everyone's input while maintaining a clear and strong vision. Yes, it’s beneficial to get people’s views when designing a company’s vision. But the final say must always come from you.

Conclusion: Embracing the Vision for Success

When it comes to vision, the recurring themes will always be around the importance of clarity, involvement, and alignment. Whether you're leading a team, running a company, or pursuing personal goals, a clear and shared vision is a cornerstone of success. Remember, a vision is not just a destination—it's the journey, the motivation, and the guiding light that propels us forward.

Meet the Experts

For those eager to delve deeper into the insights shared, connect with my fellow guests below: 
Kevin Kepple, the President of Kepple Coaching, is a beacon for leaders seeking to find their freedom. Reach out on any social media platform at kevinkepple
Julie Lokun, the founder of The Media Casters, brings her expertise in podcasting, public speaking, and book publishing. 
Clay Stelzer, the CEO and founder of 1560, specializes in helping CEOs and executive teams cut through interpersonal drama. 

Host: Patrick Kagan 

Round Table:
Kevin Kepple 
Julie Lokun
Barbara Spector 
Clay Stelzer

Part One: CLARITY -
Part Two: VISION (this episode)
Part Three: FOCUS (Coming Soon)



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