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Get Next Level Sales Growth With Unforgettable Sales Presentations

sales presentations

Posted by  Barbara Spector

Better Presentations blog 2024-05 rev 1

When you hear the words “Sales Presentations” do you instantly perk up with excitement, or do you groan into your hands? In this episode of the Better Presentations podcast with Trevor Lee, I share the evolution of sales training, the significance of presentation skills, the impact of storytelling in presentations, and the role of curiosity and listening in effective communication and sales.

So many of us have sat through business presentations with an overwhelming flood of information followed by a pushy sales pitch. No wonder we don’t look forward to it. 

What if you could train your team to do those presentations differently? What if your team could ask compelling questions and really focus their material on the prospect’s pain points? What if they could use stories to engage their prospects on an emotional level, and have those prospects asking to buy your products or services before they even get to the sales pitch?

Well, I’m here to tell you — not only is it possible, but it is easier than you think! In this episode you’ll learn to:

  • Ask compelling questions to understand the prospect's needs and pain points.
  • Use impactful stories to engage the audience and share your message 
  • Evolve your sales approach, adapting to prospect’s needs
  • Build relationships with prospects before the presentation to gain insights
  • Avoid the "show up and throw up" trap -  Focus on giving a personalized, engaging, and value-driven sales presentation.
Listen Here:



  • 00:00  Avoiding the 'Showing Up and Throwing Up' Sales Presentation Trap
  • 00:43  Presentations with Tips 
  • 05:13  A 6-Month Approach for Lasting Change
  • 10:52  Presentation Skills That Include Compelling Questions
  • 20:52  Using Speaking Engagements To Grow Your Business
  • 24:47  The Power of Storytelling and Public Speaking
  • 28:39  Evolution of Sales


Revolutionizing Sales training: 

A 6-Month Approach for Lasting Change

Over the last 28 years, sales training has evolved significantly. Unlike the old 3-day training sessions, a more effective approach now involves a 6-month program with blended learning and live coaching sessions twice a month. This extended timeline allows for real behavior change, addressing limiting beliefs and improving communication skills. By focusing on mindset shifts first, followed by techniques and tactics, the program aims to see tangible results in improved revenue. Role-playing exercises and peer feedback help skeptical participants embrace change. Additionally, the importance of training sales leaders to avoid 'trickle-down management' and the significance of presentation skills in today's business world are highlighted.

mastering sales: 

The Power of Presentation Skills and Compelling Questions

Presentation skills and knowing how to ask compelling questions during sales calls is key. Salespeople need to move beyond just delivering information, and focus on asking thought-provoking questions to engage prospects emotionally. Be curious, personalize interactions, and actively listen to prospects. Salespeople should prioritize the ability to understand the prospect's needs and pain points over pushing a sale. I share what effective presentations look like plus how public speaking can benefit the results sales professionals bring to the organization.

Sales Mastery Report

power of speaking engagements: 

I share the effectiveness of speaking opportunities at trade events or associations for generating new business. Some tips include knowing the topic inside out, storytelling, starting topical discussions and engaging with the audience ahead of time. These elements can impact your presentations.

storytelling in presentations and public speaking: 

I chat about the importance of storytelling in presentations and public speaking. Storytelling has a captivating effect on people and can make presentations more powerful and engaging. It is advised to keep stories around 5 minutes long in order to maintain audience interest. While being funny can be beneficial, it is not necessary for a presenter. Instead of telling jokes, speakers should focus on telling impactful and relevant stories. The key is to not force humor and to focus on engaging the audience through storytelling. 

the evolution of sales: 

Our conversation delves into the evolution of sales, focusing on the shift to consultative selling (post-2008 recession). The importance of curiosity in sales presentations and listening in building relationships is highlighted. 


Host: Trevor Lee, Better Presentations Podcast


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