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Do You Have Prospects or Suspects? 10 Ways to Know the Difference.

Posted by  smartmovesinc

Too many prospecting pipelines are plugged.

They’re plugged with suspects taking up valuable time.

Keeping the pipeline full of only great prospects allows it to move faster and does not require the pipeline to be as big.

It’s better to have a narrow fast-moving pipeline than a large slow-moving pipeline.

In both the short-term and long-term, the narrow pipeline that is fast moving will reward you with more sales and better (more profitable!) sales.   You’ll close more profitable deals, because the prospects with whom you’re working are motivated to do business with you.

Here are 10 ways to tell if you’re dealing with a prospect or a suspect:

1. Prospects have a timeline for making a decision.

2. Prospects reveal internal information.

3. Prospects engage at a deep level.

4. Prospects provide critical information.

5. Prospects answer questions directly.

6. Suspects take information, but don’t engage.

7. Suspects never share valuable information.

8. Suspects won’t provide direct answers.

9. Suspects are unclear about buying timelines.

10. Suspects raise obstacles that don’t hold value.

Prospecting doesn’t have to be difficult when we focus from the beginning on making sure those we’re dealing with are capable of buying from us. There is nothing worse than wasting time dealing with somebody who in the end is nothing more than a prospect.  To learn more about getting your sales pipeline working, visit us at


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